Register today for the Leadership for Digital Transformation Micro-credential
Digital transformation (Dx) requires agile and flexible leaders at all levels of an institution. Dx is far more than simply adopting new technology or supporting online education. Instead, we are looking at the infusion of digital tools into complex educational systems that transform an institution’s operations, strategic directions, and value proposition. Digital Transformation changes institutional processes and interactions with organizational systems.
In higher education, leadership can be found in individual faculty, staff, and administrators, through department-level chairs and deans, all the way through to institutional executive leaders. Whether given formal leadership authority or not, everyone can act as a digital champion and has a part to play in fostering cultures of innovation necessary for Digital Transformation.
You are invited to participate in this professional development program to lead Dx across your institution. This 6-week program is offered through 5 asynchronous modules, with optional weekly support sessions. Participants earn a badge after completing each module, and after the successful completion of all 5 modules participants receive their Empowered Dx Leader micro-credential.
The program is offered in three cohorts:
- Spring 2023: June 14 – July 26, 2023
(COMPLETE) - Fall 2023: September 13 – October 25, 2023
(REGISTRATION CLOSED) - Winter 2024: January 10 – February 21, 2024
Help shape digital transformation leaders and learning across the sector. Recognize your leaders and maintain your institution’s digital learning momentum.
Register your interest for future participation.
Community of Practice
eCampusOntario is pleased to announce that the Dx Community of Practice has launched as of July 2023. This community will provide a space for thoughtful and thought-provoking conversation around Digital Transformation in higher education. Anyone interested in the Digital Transformation of postsecondary education is welcome to attend. A full schedule will be sent to those who register.
Please sign up here for the community of practice today.