Learning by doing is still the best way to go 02.10.2018

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash. Last year at eCampusOntario we launched our program for professional learning. We called it Ontario Extend. Ontario Extend (Extend) has six core modules.The modules are

Pressbooks now available to eCampusOntario member institutions 05.09.2018

Photo by Christian Hume on Unsplash. If you have not explored open publishing platform Pressbooks in the last few months, you are in for a few lovely surprises. New features

OER Workshop Materials Available for Download 05.09.2018

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash. Are you an educator looking to integrate OER into your teaching? A new set of workshop materials, designed by Maureen Glynn and Jenni Hayman

eCampusOntario hosts annual OER Seminar with student government leaders 05.09.2018

Photo by John Schonobrich on Unsplash. Every year, eCampusOntario hosts an annual OER seminar to connect with student government leaders and engage in conversations about open education. On August 21,

Getting a running start for 2018-19 05.09.2018

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash. As I look ahead to the 2018-19 academic year, I see an exciting trajectory emerging for Ontario college and university students. On top of

eCampusOntario funding in action: The Art of Serious Game Design 02.08.2018

Serious Games (SGs) help to increase students’ engagement and motivation. Designing SGs, however, is a challenge, as these games are typically created within multidisciplinary teams made up of members with

Apply to be an Open Ranger and Attend the Second Open Education Ontario Summit 01.08.2018

Deadline extended: Friday, September 7th Sunday, November 11, 2018 from 1 pm – 6:30 pm at The George Conference Centre 80 Cooperage St. Toronto ON, Canada eCampusOntario is hosting the second

Northeast by Southeast: OER Discussions Overcome Geography 02.07.2018

eCampusOntario Program Manager Peggy French attended the Northeast OER Summit in Massachusetts this past May.  While there, she shared Ontario’s initiatives, planned collaborations, celebrated successes, and discussed common hurdles. Peggy

Handle with Care: Festival of Learning Recap 02.07.2018

Late May is a good time of year to go West. The rhododendrons are in full bloom and the Pacific is warm enough to swim. We packed it all in

Cambrian Open Days: Colleagues and Conversations 02.07.2018

Cambrian’s Open Day took place on May 31st and featured a variety of talks and workshops from presenters. Conference organizers and OE Fellows Jessica O’Reilly and Laura Killam led the

TESS 2018: Call for Presentations 27.06.2018

The Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase (TESS) is eCampusOntario’s annual conference where we celebrate our members’ achievements in online and technology enabled teaching and learning. TESS18 will take place

The Catch: Season Finale Edition 08.06.2018

Photo by Andrey Larin on Unsplash What’s happening in technology-enabled learning this week? This week’s very special episode of The Catch is the season finale edition! It will be hibernating

A Collaborative Production of an Open Textbook on Vital Sign Measurement 01.06.2018

By: Jennifer Lapum, PhD, RN, Associate Professor 1; Margaret Verkuyl, MN, NP:PHC, Professor 2; Oona St-Amant, PhD, RN 1, Assistant Professor; Wendy Garcia, MN, RN, Instructor 1; Andy Tan, BScN

Save the Date for TESS18: November 12 and 13! 01.06.2018

Join eCampusOntario for the fourth annual Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase (TESS) 2018 on November 12-13th at Toronto’s Globe and Mail Centre.  Connect with educators, instructional designers, librarians, technologists

Gratitude and Gouda: Reflecting on my OE Global Experience 31.05.2018

It’s a bit dumbfounding that just last week I was sitting in a beautiful conference space in Delft, Netherlands, listening to speakers from around the world talk about access, equity,

The Catch: Issue #16 22.05.2018

Photo by Gunilla S-Granfalk on Unsplash. Open Treasure: Making Sense of Open Education The Open Treasure section is here to help you find Open Educational Resources (OER). It’s the easiest section

eCampusOntario OE Fellows on what “Open” means to them 11.05.2018

In advance of their presentation at Laurentian University’s CNIE-RCIE 2018 this month, we asked five of the eCampusOntario OE Fellows to describe what “Open” means to them as educators. Read

Coming this June: The Cross-Canada Open Education Mini-MOOC 04.05.2018

Making Sense of Open Education will run from June 1 – 15 with short daily lessons and activities at an introductory level with the purpose of the course being to

What’s New in PSE: The Learning Portal 04.05.2018

The Learning Portal is a collaboration between Ontario college libraries, several Ontario college learning centres, and the Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS). Multiple colleges pooled their resources with the purpose

Where to find the eCampusOntario OE Fellows 04.05.2018

The OE Fellows have a busy month ahead with conferences and on-campus events.  Here’s where you’ll find them in May: Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) Conference – May

Work Integrated Learning and IntegrityMatters: eCampusOntario Funded Projects in Action 04.05.2018

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Open Module Initiative Discover a suite of 31 open access, learner-centered online modules in WIL which support the infusion of applied and experiential learning into curriculum.

Translating Strategy into Action: Previewing the 2018-19 Funding Calls 04.05.2018

eCampusOntario is a member organization supporting Ontario post-secondary institutions, educators and learners to enhance and expand online and technology-enabled teaching and learning opportunities on behalf of the province. We seek

The Catch: Issue #15 26.04.2018

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash. This Fortnight in Technology-enabled Learning… The Cutting/Trailing Edge Way, way back in time, when the values of integrity (like honesty, trust, and respect) were

The University of Western Ontario launches LegUP Project 19.04.2018

The transition from high school to post-secondary is often challenging for students. With this in mind, Daniel Belliveau (Director and Associate Professor at Western University’s School of Health Studies) began

The Catch: Issue #14 13.04.2018

What’s happening in technology-enabled learning? Photo by Andy Brunner on Unsplash. The Cutting/Trailing Edge Twitter is 12 years old. WordPress is 15. They must be ancient relics from days gone