Northeast by Southeast: OER Discussions Overcome Geography
eCampusOntario Program Manager Peggy French attended the Northeast OER Summit in Massachusetts this past May. While there, she shared Ontario’s initiatives, planned collaborations, celebrated successes, and discussed common hurdles. Peggy shares her thoughts on the experience below.
A main focus, embedded in many of the sessions and workshops, was working to define a common language and exploring compatibilities among platforms. With a doubling in size from last year’s inaugural summit, the commitment and curiosity surrounding open was impressive. As the lone Canadian session, eCampusOntario’s Open Library and Repository and its programs for educators provided a different and impressive perspective.
The second day of the summit offered a variety of workshops. Jeff Gallant, Program Manager of Affordable Learning in Georgia, facilitated a purposeful brainstorming to design the optimal open repository. As eCampusOntario continues to plan its open repository, Jeff Gallant’s workshop was well-timed. Peruse the team’s wish list and contribute to the conversation with your own ‘must haves’ for the repository at open@ecampusontario.ca. What do you need to have to find Ontario’s repository useful for you?
Looking for more info on the Northeast OER Summit? Presenters and facilitators have uploaded their presentations here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I8gd_dQEIzgfaawltCXgXL6vXazgvlb3.
You may also choose to read through the Twitter hashtag for the summit #NEOERSummit18.