Work Integrated Learning and IntegrityMatters: eCampusOntario Funded Projects in Action
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Open Module Initiative
Discover a suite of 31 open access, learner-centered online modules in WIL which support the infusion of applied and experiential learning into curriculum. The WIL Open Module Initiative is the result of a collaboration between Niagara College, Georgian College, Lambton College and Algonquin College.
Discover the modules: niagaracollege.ca
The IntegrityMatters App
The IntegrityMatters App was developed by a team at the University of Waterloo, aimed at enhancing student knowledge and understanding of academic integrity through an accessible, mobile platform. The App incorporates e-certificates and a digital badge upon completion.
You can learn more about The IntegrityMatters App by visiting: uwaterloo.ca
Do you have an eCampusOntario funded project in action? We’d love to share your story in our newsletter. Send your story to lpatterson@ecampusontario.ca