Pressbooks now available to eCampusOntario member institutions
Photo by Christian Hume on Unsplash.
If you have not explored open publishing platform Pressbooks in the last few months, you are in for a few lovely surprises. New features include:
- H5P to create and embed interactive components;
- hypothes.is to promote collaborative note taking and deeper thinking;
- updated themes and formats for an academic audience
To see some recent examples that demonstrate the potential of Pressbooks, check out Business Fundamentals: Canadian Edition or Communication for Business Professionals. Business faculty from Ontario colleges worked with eCampusOntario to update and Canadianize two popular American first year textbooks. With this work, student engagement was enhanced through activities at the student’s point of need, and the book was formatted for easier navigation and use.
All Ontario educators are invited to use Pressbooks to help realize their commitment to open, free, and engaging resources. Indicate your interest to start on Pressbooks via a short form.
As always, if you have adopted an open resource, consider sharing your report with eCampusOntario. Highlighting student savings and educator commitment to those savings is a rewarding part of our job: we love to see those numbers climb!
Discover more about Pressbooks here.