Webinaire exclusif : Découvrez INNOVA – L’espace d’innovation éducative de demain! 03.04.2024

Intervenant : Hubert Lalande, Université d’Ottawa 12 h – 13 h le 1er mai, 2024 sur Zoom Grâce au financement de Patrimoine canadien et de l’Université d’Ottawa, l’espace INNOVA ouvrira

From Large Language Models to Learners and Labour Markets: The Role of LLM and Artificial Intelligence in Supporting Upskilling and Career Navigation  06.03.2024

Robert Luke, CEO, eCampusOntario eCampusOntario launches skillsfinder.ai: helping get people into programs and into jobs  At this year’s Micro-credential Forum, eCampusOntario convened over 1,200 experts – online and in person

eCampusOntario launches AI-enabled Micro-Credential Portal tool to Help Learners Address Skills Gaps 29.02.2024

New AI platform helps learners access in-demand skills training  Today at the 2024 Micro-Credential Forum eCampusOntario launched the proof of principle for a new AI-enabled tool designed to help learners

Government of Ontario’s Investment in Postsecondary Education Accelerates the Innovation Economy  26.02.2024

eCampusOntario applauds the Ministry of Colleges and University’s announcement of nearly $1.3 billion in funding for sustainable postsecondary education. Our members are committed to harnessing the power of technology-enabled and

Reflecting on “Citoyenneté 3.0 : L’aventure technopédagogique en milieu franco-ontarien” 22.02.2024

On Friday, February 2nd, 2024, eCampusOntario organized the first French-language conference for the Franco-Ontarian community and academic faculty, titled “Citoyenneté 3.0 : L’aventure technopédagogique en milieu franco-ontarien .” Gathered at

Exploring the Open Library 21.02.2024

There’s an old saying – that a great way to learn about people is to get to know their bookshelves. For many faculty in higher education, our bookshelves are transforming

Micro-credential Forum 2024 08.01.2024

Registration is now open for Micro-credential Forum 2024 In February 2024, the annual Micro-credential Forum: Developing Tomorrow’s Workforce will explore how institutions, employers, and eCampusOntario are working together to empower

Enhanced eCampusOntario Micro-credentials Portal streamlines career mobility 19.12.2023

eCampusOntario’s enhancements to the popular Micro-credentials Portal will help job seekers and workers discover personalized, skills-based pathways to in-demand jobs. The improved portal empowers individuals with a personal portfolio of

Accessibility Resource for the Ontario Postsecondary Education Sector 14.12.2023

eCampusOntario has launched an accessibility resource for the Ontario postsecondary education sector, designed to support the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Click here to learn

Open educational resources create impactful new materials while lowering costs and barriers to access  13.12.2023

The staid old world of textbook publishing has long been subject to disruption. New technologies have diversified how traditionally formatted textbooks are distributed, adding a range of digital mechanisms to

A Guide to Open Education Resources in Ontario 29.11.2023

What exactly is an OER and what is their importance in education today? Open educational resources (#OER) describe any copyrightable that is either in the public domain, or licensed in


The first edition of the Franco-Ontarian conference hosted by eCampusOntario will take place on February 2, 2024, at the Globe and Mail Centre in Toronto! A FREE event with delicious

Citoyenneté 3.0 : L’aventure technopédagogique en milieu franco-ontarien 20.11.2023

The first edition of the Franco-Ontarian conference hosted by eCampusOntario will take place on February 2, 2024, at the Globe and Mail Centre in Toronto A FREE event with delicious

CFI and Navigator Partner with eCampusOntario’s OCIP to Boost R&D in Ontario  13.11.2023

eCampusOntario builds Ontario’s innovation capacity by supporting public-private partnerships centred on postsecondary institution research and development  TORONTO, ON — In a groundbreaking partnership aimed at driving innovation and research in Ontario,

Generation AI and Humans in the Loop of Learning  13.11.2023

November 4, 2023Robert Luke, CEO eCampusOntario This year’s edition of the eCampusOntario Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase – #TESS2023 – was another huge success. It is at TESS that

Preserving the Participatory with Dr. Bonnie Stewart 27.10.2023

By Stephen Hurley, Chief Catalyst voicEd Radio Canada Dr. Stewart will be giving a keynote address at eCampus Ontario’s Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase (TESS) being held in Toronto

Enhanced Micro-credential Portal helps individuals unlock their career potential, helps organizations upskill their talent  06.10.2023

The rapidly evolving requirements of most jobs today create challenges for both employers and employees, demanding a near-constant reskilling and upskilling of capabilities. Where once a career might have been

Meshing the innovation gears between industry and academia 06.10.2023

Innovation is the lifeblood of every economy. Innovation creates new products and services. It improves processes, increases productivity and generates efficiencies. It responds to challenges such as climate change, pandemics,

Digital Literacy Fellowship Advances Digital Teaching Skills Through Ontario Extend Program 06.10.2023

eCampusOntario continues its support of rich, equitable, and inclusive digital learning experiences  eCampusOntario is proud to introduce Digital Literacy Fellows from ten member institutions across Ontario. This team of scholars

Digital Transformation: How Public-Private Partnerships Can Help Higher Education 28.09.2023

Colleges and universities face many challenges in today’s evolving global landscape. They are expected to meet the needs of diverse learners across a range of teaching and learning modalities, prepare

Learn Online Portal increasing accessibility for part-time learners throughout Ontario  12.09.2023

2023 has been a year of expansion, with digital tools becoming more popular in the education sector. We’ve got in touch with our resident virtual learning expert Don Eldridge to

Specialized OER EOI 30.08.2023

Specialized OER Project Q&A Thursday September 21, 2023  12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET  Wednesday September 13, 2023  eCampusOntario’s Open Library is accepting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from individuals or

Empowering postsecondary learners to succeed in an increasingly digital world 17.08.2023

When today’s learners enter a postsecondary institution, whether they are coming straight from high school or are continuing a lifelong journey of learning, they are faced with challenges unique to

Improving Flexibility in Postsecondary Education 15.08.2023

Do you feel like you’re teaching in an inflexible environment within a rapidly changing world?  eCampusOntario invites you to participate in our collaborative research and foresight workshop. If you are an

Digital Fluency Accelerator Micro-credential 19.07.2023

Equip your learners with the digital skills they need to succeed Academic success now demands that learners be digitally proficient. We call this Digital Fluency — having the skills to