Creative Commons Global Summit returns to Toronto 29.03.2018

Curious about what’s happening with Open Education in Ontario? Interested in finding opportunities to collaborate with colleagues or apply for grant funded OER initiatives? Then you should know about eCampusOntario,

Ontario Extend East Launch 29.03.2018

I joined the Extend East cohort of eCampusOntario’s Extend initiative as a means to developing skills in online learning and teaching, especially in the area of emerging technologies. I’d stalked the

SXD Lab: We Do Design 26.03.2018

Recently, I had the pleasure of travelling across Ontario to co-facilitate three full-day student experience design (SXD) sprints with students, faculty and administrators at Confederation College, the University of Waterloo

The Catch: Issue #13 22.03.2018

What’s happening in technology-enabled learning? Things Are Budding Edition Photo by Andrea Reiman on Unsplash. Open Treasure In this issue’s Open Treasure category we present the Open Group of 7

Expanding the Francophone OER community: A Recap of the Francophone Open Education Resources (OER) Seminar 06.03.2018

The first ever Francophone Open Education Resources Seminar served as an opportunity for educators, librarians, instructional designers, students, government representatives and administrators from across Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba to share,

Extenders is launching this March! 06.03.2018

Extend East launched March 6th at Fleming College and Extend West will follow on May 8th at Lambton College. Anyone from our member institutions are welcome to join the cohorts from

A Message from our CEO: Strategic Planning 2018-2021 06.03.2018

On March 31, 2018, eCampusOntario is starting its next chapter.  Since January 2017, eCampusOntario and its Board of Directors have been engaged in a strategic planning process, supported by research,

Getting down to Business: An eCampusOntario Open Textbook Adaptation Pilot 28.02.2018

In June 2017, the Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development announced a $1 million dollar Ontario Open Textbooks Initiative to promote the adoption, adaptation, and creation of open

The Catch: Issue #12 23.02.2018

What’s happening in technology-enabled learning this week? Photo by Tevin Trinh on Unsplash. Open Treasures Chance the Rapper. Arcade Fire. The Killers. eCampusOntario. What do all these bands and/or not-for-profit

eCampusOntario Postsecondary Course Resources Survey 20.02.2018

Are you currently teaching a postsecondary course in Ontario? We want to hear from you! eCampusOntario wants to learn more about how Ontario educators currently select and use course content

The Catch: Issue #11 15.02.2018

What’s happening this week in technology-enabled learning? Photo by Dave Hosford shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license. What’s Open? That’s Open. What with The Catch being an open and collaborative

Jackie Pichette and Lena Patterson — Learning with Lynda(.com) 13.02.2018

Educators around the world are being called on to pull up their socks and save the economy: to “bridge,” “plug” or “prevent” the skills gap by equipping students with the

Seeking Nominations: College Student Director 08.02.2018

The eCampusOntario Board of Directors is seeking nominations for the following position: College Student Director with experience in online and/or technology-enabled learning (1 position) eCampusOntario was officially incorporated as a

The Catch: Issue #10 08.02.2018

What’s happening in technology enabled learning this week? Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash. Welcome to the 10th issue of The Catch. Take note of where you are right now

eCampusOntario and Collège La Cité sponsor Francophone OER Seminar 19.01.2018

Sponsored by eCampusOntario and Collège La Cité, the Francophone Open Educational Resources Seminar aims to facilitate discussion and discovery surrounding open education resources and practices in Ontario’s Francophone institutions, and

The Catch: Issue #9 18.01.2018

What’s happening in technology-enabled learning this week? Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash. The Cutting/Trailing Edge The jury is still out on who ‘12 Apps of Christmas’-ed better; BC’s Educational

An era of disposable assignments? 16.01.2018

Last year, the SXD Lab hosted a student-led Education Design Sprint that explored the concept of exponential learning. Specifically, the focus of the sprint was on a student concern known

The Catch: Issue #8 11.01.2018

This 7-day period in technology-enabled learning… “Lots of Bears in the far pool (NPS/M. Fitz)” Flickr photo by KatmaiNPS shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license. Network Connectivity  The Catch

What’s Happening Around Ontario? 05.01.2018

We’re starting a new section of our newsletter dedicated to showcasing events and activities happening at or in partnership with Ontario institutions that address online and technology-enabled teaching and learning

The Catch: Issue #7, New Year’s Edition 04.01.2018

What’s happening this week in technology-enabled learning? Ranger Report Intrepid. Sturdy. Stalwart. These are all adjectives that you would not want to use in a mad-lib about the Ontario Open

Open Education: Redefining “Opening your Textbook” 02.01.2018

Overview The need: To increase the range of affordable and engaging texts for Canadian post-secondary students. The solution: The Open Access textbook system. The benefit: The significant reduction of student textbook costs and

The Catch: Issue #6, Holiday Edition 14.12.2017

‘Twas The Catch before… Photo by Denise Johnson on Unsplash. Read It and Tweet Our peers and heroes (peeroes?) over to the left of us in B.C. are always doing things that

Job Posting: IAM Technical Lead for Implementation 12.12.2017

In advance of our implementation, eCampusOntario is hiring an IAM Technical Lead. This individual’s main role will be software installation, integration, and account management with existing directories at Ontario

OpenCon 2017: Empowering the Next Generation to Advance Open Access, Open Education and Open Data 05.12.2017

In November, thanks to the generous support of eCampusOntario through the Student Supports initiative, we were able to sponsor a student (and myself) to attend OpenCon 2017 in Berlin. Landon

Envisioning the future of skills recognition at the Ontario Open Badges Forum 02.12.2017

On November 22nd, eCampusOntario presented the Ontario Open Badges Forum led by Don Presant, President of Over 120 attendees from industry, government, education (K-12, post-secondary) and nonprofit came together