Wiki promotes bilingual writing for technology-enabled topics
As part of its ongoing commitment to supporting innovative French-language education, eCampusOntario has created a shared French/English glossary and translation site dedicated to translating English words and phrases about open and technology-enabled learning into French.
The glossary operates as a wiki, allowing users to search for French translations to common educational terms, read detailed descriptions and make comments on new terms that are emerging in the field. The wiki serves as a dynamic, shared tool for building a database of terms, while providing opportunities for the community to engage in discussion and feedback.
Hubert Lalande, a digital learning consultant and Francophone program manager with eCampusOntario, says the tool is a key professional resource. “When working in a new sector of activity such as digital learning, which regularly uses new terms due to the evolution of new technologies and pedagogical innovation, having access to a terminology and knowledge base is essential for any professional.”
The process of translating writing about educational technology is complex, not only because new words and phrases are constantly added, but because translation itself is a highly subjective process. The glossary and wiki aim to aid English-French translation in a way that reflects Ontario Francophone language and culture. By providing a glossary and a means for promoting dialogue about English-French translation, eCampusOntario hopes to provide institutions and authors with a valuable database that shows an understanding of and respect for the language policies and French-speaking people of Ontario.
Try a pilot version of the tool here.
Banner photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels