Proposal Submission Form

TESS 2019: Level Up Online Learning for Ontario: Experimentation and Impact

TESS 2019 is our opportunity to celebrate our successes, extend our horizons and mobilize our collective knowledge to build future online learning environments that are even more inclusive, engaging and digitally fluent for our students. Nous accueillons les propositions en français.

Submit a proposal below to showcase examples and ideas that level up Ontario’s game in the higher learning space. Successful submissions will be notified by October 11, 2019.

TESS Proposal Submission
Role (check primary)
Number of team members
Note: Maximum 5 presenters on a team
Presentation format (check one)
Presentation track (primary)
Abstract (300 word presentation proposal, not including references)

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

By submitting this proposal, I understand that if the proposal is accepted by the TESS committee, I agree to present in the offered format and I will be prepared to present in the format identified for the session.