The International Learner Journey in Ontario Postsecondary Education: Enabling Supports for Success

International education has become a central focus in Ontario postsecondary education, as all Canadian provinces facilitate international student enrollment in a rapidly changing environment. eCampusOntario has conducted research on the international learner journey in Ontario which is summarized in this research report. Readers will discover digital solutions to improve the international learner experience in Ontario.

Action Guide: Enabling Supports for International Learner Success in Ontario Postsecondary Education

This action guide is a condensed version of the full eCampusOntario report on international learners and has been created for those who are solutions-focused. This condensed report highlights the international learner journey and proposes digital solutions to mitigate barriers that international learners face along their journey. For those who would like to read the full breadth of the report, including the history of international learners in Canada, the current context, eCampusOntario’s research methods and results, and other actors and jurisdictions involved in the international learner in postsecondary education ecosystem, the full report is available on this website.

2021 -2024 Foresight Reports Review: Developing Strategic Foresight Capacity In Ontario’s Postsecondary Education

Over the past three years, Research and Foresight at eCampusOntario produced 18 reports using strategic foresight. Strategic foresight, a research-driven and systematic exploration of possible futures, uses evidence of change in the present to extrapolate what is possible in the future. These reports are designed as tools to navigate uncertain and complex futures and inform better-decision making today.

2024 Foresight Report: Flexibility Brief 5: Integrated Insights

Flexibility is a key aspect of digital transformation in postsecondary education, and educators are often at the forefront of implementation. Through a series of participatory workshops, we sought to learn how flexibility impacted the role of educators, the challenges they face, and how they hoped to integrate flexibility in the future. This brief presents a summary of the research, the insights gained, and recommendations for next steps.

2024 Foresight Report: Flexibility Brief 4: Exploring the Possibilities

This brief is the fourth in a set of publications exploring flexibility in postsecondary education. A series of participatory workshops with educators will help uncover how flexibility relates to their role and the factors driving the need for it. This research will deepen our shared understanding of flexibility from an educator’s point of view.

2024 Foresight Report: Flexibility Brief 3: Understanding the Problem

This brief is the third in a set of publications exploring flexibility in postsecondary education. A series of participatory workshops with educators will help uncover how flexibility relates to their role and the factors driving the need for it. This research will deepen our shared understanding of flexibility from an educator’s point of view.

2024 Foresight Report: Flexibility Brief 2: Framing the Problem

This brief is the second in a set of publications exploring flexibility in postsecondary education. A series of participatory workshops with educators will help uncover how flexibility relates to their role and the factors driving the need for it. This research will deepen our shared understanding of what educators think about flexibility from an educator’s point of view.

A Time of Digital Transformation: Digital Learning Trends in Ontario Post-Secondary Education

The Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA) conducts annual pan-Canadian research studies to advance knowledge about digital learning strategies, policies, and practices at post-secondary institutions across the country. The 2023 Ontario Report brings together the Ontario-specific findings, extrapolated from the CDLRA’s Spring and Fall National Surveys.

2024 Foresight Report: Flexibility Brief 1: Making the Case

This brief is the first in a set of publications exploring flexibility in postsecondary education. A series of participatory workshops with educators will help uncover how flexibility relates to their role and the factors driving the need for it. This research will deepen our shared understanding of flexibility from an educator’s point of view.

The Impacts of the Second Round of the Virtual Learning Strategy: Expanding the capacity and quality of learning

This report explores the accomplishments and impacts of the Second Round of Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) over the past year.

Wallets, Passports,Portfolios, Credentials: What Learners Want in a Virtual Education Wallet

This report serves as the voice of Ontario micro-credential learners to express which features they desire in a virtual wallet and how they would use a virtual wallet. The results of this report can inform the Ontario postsecondary education sector as they develop virtual wallets for digital educational credentials. Including learner voices in design is important to ensure that learners are able to access, use, and adopt a virtual wallet system.

2022-2023 Foresight Reports Review: Expanding the Scope of Postsecondary Education

eCampusOntario’s 2022-23 Foresight reports explored a wide range of themes and trends with potential impacts on Ontario postsecondary education. Where, when, with whom, and what we learn is changing. This report synthesizes a year of foresight research intended to support institutions in navigating transformation by addressing immediate and short-term challenges, while articulating long-term visions for systems level evolution.

2023 Foresight Report: Designing Education for the Future

This report explores how postsecondary institutions might consider emerging trends of today to inform the design of learning content, tools, and supports for the future.

2023 Foresight Report: Navigating Lifelong Learning

This report explores factors that are creating the need for continuous and diverse learning which, in turn, creates both opportunities and challenges for Ontario postsecondary institutions.

2023 Foresight Report: Teaching and Learning Roles

This report explores the changing roles of teachers and learners in a transitional environment.

2023 Foresight Report: Learning Ecosystems

This report explores networks co-created for purposeful collaboration and coordination of learning.

Looking Ahead to the Future of Post-Secondary Education: 2022 Ontario Report

The Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA) conducts annual pan-Canadian research studies to advance knowledge about digital learning strategies, policies, and practices at post-secondary institutions across the country. The 2022 Ontario Report brings together the Ontario-specific findings, extrapolated from the CDLRA’s Spring and Fall National Surveys.

2022 Focus Report: Co-creating Digital-by-Design Postsecondary Education

This report explores the ways in which Virtual Learning Strategy project teams are leveraging their network of co-creators as they design inclusive, flexible, and innovative digital learning experiences and resources. Co-creators are any contributors to VLS projects, both team members and other contributors, who come from a variety of backgrounds and are actively involved in the co-creation of digital learning experiences and resources.

Foresight Report: Scaling Ubiquitous Learning

An ecosystem that enables learning from anywhere, at anytime. Many factors are increasing the need for ubiquity in the education landscape and have already resulted in institutions rethinking and reforming policies governing pedagogical approaches, administrative functions, information flows, and curriculum delivery.

2022 Focus Report: Launching the Second Round of the Virtual Learning Strategy: Expanding the capacity and quality of virtual learning

On November 4, 2021, eCampusOntario released the call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for the Second Round of funding in support of the Government of Ontario’s Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS). This report provides an overview of the results of the Second Round of the VLS investment.

2022 Focus Report: The Impacts of the Virtual Learning Strategy: Investing in Ontario’s Virtual Learning Future

This report explores the accomplishments and impacts of the Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) over the past year.

Ontario Extend: Professional Learning for Educators (Infographic)

The Ontario Extend program is a micro-credentialed professional learning program designed to support online teaching and learning. In 2021, eCampusOntario embarked on a journey to scale the Ontario Extend program to reach more educators in more Ontario postsecondary institutions. This infographic provides an overview of the incredible results of these efforts and how your institution can get involved.

2021-2022 Foresight Report Review: The Virtual Learning Landscape Ahead

Over the course of 2021 and 2022, we explored maturing trends in the education sector that are influencing change in the virtual learning landscape. This report synthesizes a year of foresight research intended to support institutions in navigating transformation by addressing immediate and short-term challenges, while articulating long-term visions for systems level evolution.

2022 Foresight Report: Leading Virtual Learning Innovation

This report analyzes how Ontario is enabling digital transformation through local innovation with ripple effects for global impact. The transition from emergency remote teaching and learning to digital-by-design education in Ontario’s postsecondary ecosystem prompted initiatives that shape new futures possibilities.

Tracking the Impacts of the Pandemic on Digital Learning in Ontario 2021

The 2021 Ontario Report on the annual National Survey of Online and Digital Learning focuses on the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on institutions in Ontario.

Infographic: Tracking the Impacts of the Pandemic on Digital Learning

The Future is Micro: Digital Learning and Micro-credentials for Education, Retraining and Lifelong Learning

Over the last three years, eCampusOntario has worked with a variety of partners to develop micro-credential initiatives at Ontario PSIs through a series of pilot projects. While each of these pilot projects is unique, they were all designed using the collaboratively co-created eCampusOntario Micro-credential Principles and Framework, a blueprint for creating and scaling micro-credential programs in Ontario. This report, which is part of a larger collaboration between eCampusOntario, the Diversity Institute, Magnet, and the Future Skills Centre, focuses on these pilot projects to illuminate what is working, what is missing, and where we might be going when it comes to micro-credentials in Canada.

2022 Focus Report: Ontario Working Together: Collaborative foundations for virtual learning innovation

This report explores the collaborations enabled by the VLS to co-create digital-by-design futures for postsecondary education in Ontario. In spirit of collaboration, VLS project teams have done an outstanding effort to share their experience and insights through quarterly reports. Their contributions help us understand the nature and impact of collaborations enabled by the VLS.

2022 Foresight Report: Shaping the Future Workforce

The future of the economy, work, and education are inseparable. As desirable skills across diverse roles and occupations continue to evolve, postsecondary education functions can be an essential support for current and future workforce. In this report we highlight driving forces that underlie the workforce conditions, the skills that are valuable for the future, and what work readiness will mean for Ontarians.

2021 Foresight Report: Lifelong Learning

This report explores empowering lifelong learners and creating opportunities for growth. Meaningful lifelong learning seamlessly integrates one’s life and career. It centers teaching and learning approaches around the evolving needs of learners and considers their diverse stages and motivations.

2021 Focus Report: Ontario Open: Sharing Resources to Enhance Equity and Access

The Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) is investing in developing collaborative, learner-driven, high-quality, digital-by-design materials for all Ontario learners and educators, now and into the future. All VLS-developed materials will be made available to the Ontario public postsecondary sector through the Ontario Commons License.

2021 Foresight Report: Tomorrow’s Learners

This report explores: Tomorrow’s Learners. Inspiring intentional actions today to shape future inclusive campus communities that center and celebrate the diverse, intersectional identities of their learners.

2021 Foresight Report: The Hybrid Futures

This report explores building a hybrid campus. A vibrant hybrid campus uses educational technology (EdTech) to enhance teaching & learning and wraparound learner supports through iterative adaption and innovation.

2021 Focus Report: Connecting to Create: Platforms to Create Ontario’s Virtual Learning Solutions

The Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) includes investing in postsecondary stakeholder partnerships and platforms to promote virtual learning solutions and experimentation. This report shares the ongoing work of three VLS platforms and initiatives that are aligned to the VLS pillars of Being the future and Being a global leader.

Surviving and Thriving in a COVID-19 Remote Learning Context Report

This research project examined many of the effects on teaching and learning at several Ontario post-secondary institutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 793 participants (611 students and 182 instructors) from across Ontario participated in the study, providing their perspectives on the current remote post-secondary educational landscape. Findings from this research shone a spotlight on the teaching and learning opportunities created for both instructors and students, as well as the challenges and needs experienced in the transition to remote learning.

2021 Focus Report: Launching the Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS): The Call, The Response, and the Results

eCampusOntario is excited to share the details of the $50M Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS)! The strategy is intended to drive growth and advancement in virtual learning across the province’s post-secondary institutions to prepare for a better future of learning. By moving from the emergency remote teaching of the pandemic to high-quality online learning, we will ensure learners across the province have access to education anytime, from anywhere.

Digital Learning in Canadian Higher Education in 2020: The Ontario Report

The Ontario Report is developed under the leadership and support of eCampusOntario and the Government of Ontario. This report is informed by the collective results of the research studies conducted by the Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA) throughout 2020, namely the Canadian Pulse Project and a series of qualitative interviews. The Canadian Pulse Project consisted of two short surveys, one in Spring 2020 and one in Fall 2020, each of which involved an outreach to administrators and faculty at Canadian postsecondary institutions via email mailing lists. In late Fall of 2020, the CDLRA Research Director conducted one-on-one interviews via videoconference with senior administrators (e.g., Provost, VP Academic) at colleges and universities throughout Ontario.

Infographic: Perspectives of Ontario Administrators & Faculty, 2020

Micro-credentials in the Applied Health Sciences

A new discussion paper for eCampusOntario by The Michener Institute of Education at UHN’s School of Applied Health Sciences argues for the importance of quality control when granting micro-credentials and recommends a framework for the incorporation of micro-credentials in the applied health sciences, all towards helping Canada’s health care professionals be more adaptable to changing technologies, patient needs and labour market realities.

Is the Future Micro Playbook

Is the Future Micro? is a collaboration to advance understanding of micro-credentials in support of economic recovery and lifelong learning. eCampusOntario is working with the Diversity Institute and Magnet at Ryerson University to conduct research on micro-credentials and their implications for learners, postsecondary education (PSE), industry receptivity, and labour market preparation and mobility.

Student Facing Learning Analytics Final Report

With conversations happening about how administration and instructors might make use of student data, eCampusOntario invited campus teams to participate in a series of co-design sprints to yield a student-facing learning analytics blueprint that member schools could use to make further progress in this area.  What emerged from our work was clarity around student needs for analytics about their learning data, typical experiences that would trigger students to need analytics about their learning data, and how to help students help themselves with that data. This report highlights student stories, student needs and student use cases.

Learning Analytics in Ontario Post-Secondary Institutions: An Environmental Scan

This report was commissioned by eCampusOntario to determine the scope of learning analytics activity at public post-secondary institutions.

Infographic: The Rise of Online Learning in Canadian Universities and Colleges

Select results from the 2019 national survey that tracks the development of online and digital learning in Canadian public post-secondary education. Full survey results at

Previous Infographics: 2018

Web version / Print version

Micro-certification Business Models in Higher Education

eCampusOntario commissioned this qualitative scan of international practice in micro-certifications in late 2019, as part of a systems approach to fostering shared approaches to these flexible learning and recognition practices. The intent was to provide a strategic planning tool to help Ontario institutions build their own sustainable micro-certification initiatives and to help encourage the development of a shared recognition ecosystem in the province. The focus was on digital credentials for ongoing recognition rather than for gamification and learner engagement.

Micro-certifications: Policy and Regulatory Context in Ontario

This report analyses the current regulatory framework in Ontario—the set of policies and directives of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, and the various provincial-level quality assurance processes—as the framework applies to micro-certifications. The report is intended to provide information to colleges and universities about how the current framework enables or might constrain the use of micro-certifications.

Ontario Extend in Practice

In late 2019, Kyle Mackie Consulting Ltd. was contracted by eCampusOntario to conduct a survey and follow-up interviews to identify the number of Ontario post-secondary institutions that have adopted and/or customized the Ontario Extend (OE) modules or resources in some format, with attention paid to:

  • Formal teaching and learning department adoption and customization;
  • Informal local adoption and customization;
  • Module-specific adoption and customization;
  • Delivery modes; and
  • Technology used for customization.

Student-Facing Learning Analytics Values, Principles and Guiding Goals

This document was developed by a working group of post-secondary representatives in Ontario. This is a living document, created to inform the high-level design of a Student-Facing Learning Analytics tool that empowers students to learn from, interpret and act on their own learning data in ways that improve learning experiences throughout their student life cycle.

Infographic: Online and Digital Learning at Ontario’s Publicly Funded Colleges and Universities

Using data from an in-depth report in 2019 by the Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA) and co-supported by eCampusOntario, this new Ontario-focused infographic tracks the impact of online course registrations, forecasts future enrollments and describes technology.

Previous Infographics: 2018

Web version / Print version

Micro-certification Principles and Framework

This document was developed by a working group of employers and post-secondary representatives in Ontario to provide high-level guidance for micro-certification pilots across the province. This is a living document. Partner organizations and institutions are encouraged to test this framework in their contexts and share their findings publicly to enable the development of a healthy micro-certification ecosystem that serves all Ontarians.

eCampusOntario 2016-18 Project Funding Review

Between 2016 and 2018, eCampusOntario provided support to 167 education projects designed and developed by member college and universities from across the province of Ontario. This report was prepared through analysis of output patterns and key attributes of funded projects.

Core Commitments for Shared Success

The purpose of this framework is to articulate a set of shared values and principles to govern stewardship of the digital learning ecosystem.

A Place for Policy: The Role of Policy in Supporting Open Educational Resources and Practices at Ontario’s Colleges and Universities

This study, commissioned by eCampusOntario, considers the benefits of open educational resources and practices (OER/P) and the obstacles hindering their uptake at colleges and universities. Focusing on institutional policy, this report makes the case that targeted policies can remove some of the obstacles facing OER/P.

Trades OER Environmental Scan

As part of eCampusOntario’s ‘Open at Scale’ project, the Green Hat Educational Services team was contracted to conduct an environmental scan of Trades and Apprenticeship open educational resources (OERs). Under this project, the eCampusOntario Digital First: Trades and Apprenticeship initiative targets the development of open educational resources in a specific discipline or area of study for a high-impact approach. The first stage of the project includes an environmental scan of existing OER repositories and programs to ensure that all existing open Trades and Apprenticeship learning resources are leveraged for reuse and adaptation where appropriate.

LinkedIn Learning Casebook

This LinkedIn Learning Casebook was developed as part of the province-wide LinkedIn Learning (formerly pilot project that runs from 2017-2020. In 2017, the Government of Ontario asked eCampusOntario to administer the pilot and foster a community of practice to support engagement and experimentation with the platform. This casebook captures that community of practice in action. Nine different authors approach the LinkedIn Learning collection from a variety of perspectives, sharing their experience implementing the platform and reflecting on the value of the tool to augment and enhance their work.

EdTech Sandbox Casebook

Support for the growth and expansion of technology-enabled learning and teaching is central to the mandate of eCampusOntario. In June 2017, eCampusOntario announced expressions of interest inviting its 45 member post-secondary institutions to participate in up to three different Educational Technology Sandboxes. The aim was to provide an opportunity to explore new tools to support technology-enabled learning in risk-free environments and across many spectrums. The institutional reports included in this publication were written by the project leads from the pilot projects and, aside from small editorial changes, are in their own words.

Open Quality Standards (eCampusAlberta)

The eCampusAlberta Quality Suite is a set of standards for creating effective, interactive and accessible online courses. Developed by a team of faculty members at colleges and universities throughout Alberta, the guidelines cover standards for web design, course information, writing, resources, organization, pedagogy and technology.

Nursing OER Environmental Scan

As part of eCampusOntario’s ‘Open at Scale’ initiative, a team from the University of Windsor and Western University conducted an environmental scan of nursing-related open educational resources (OER). This environmental scan aimed to identify existing or soon-to-be released nursing OER that can be adopted or adapted for nursing courses delivered by post-secondary institutions based in Ontario, Canada. It also aimed to surface gaps in the existing OER landscape as potential targets for future strategic OER development initiatives.

Business OER Environmental Scan

As part of eCampusOntario’s ‘Open at Scale’ initiative, Kyle Mackie Consulting Ltd. was contracted to conduct an environmental scan of business-related open educational resources (OER). This environmental scan is meant to identify existing or soon-to-be-released business OER that can be used in college and university level business courses by post-secondary institutions based in Ontario, Canada.

Advancing an Educational Technology Shared Services Strategy for Ontario: Province-wide Consultation Phase

Following on a continuing process to advance an educational technology shared services strategy for Ontario public post-secondary institutions, Peter Wolf and Vivian Forssman, on behalf of Carleton University, hosted 4 online workshops scheduled between November 1 – 28, 2018, inviting representatives from all 45 Ontario public colleges and universities to participate. The workshops brought together 82% of member institutions (37 institutions), with a total of 76 participants, representing IT, academic administration, teaching and learning centre staff, and librarians.

The workshops were designed to validate findings from the August 2018 Educational Technologies Shared Services Survey and inform a collaborative go-forward strategy.

Ontario Extend Research Report

This study of Ontario Extend explores the experiences of educators who participated in the initial iterations of the program.

eCampusOntario collaborated with six colleges and four universities in Northern Ontario to develop resource materials that could provide a common baseline of knowledge and complement specific training and development programs for online learning development. This study sets out to identify strengths and weaknesses that could be remediated by redesigning selected program elements.

Shared Services Reports

The Educational Technology Shared Services Survey was distributed to each of 45 Ontario colleges and universities (English & French) between July 4 and Aug 2, 2018, to consider a provincial educational technology shared services strategy. Overall, the survey identifies interest in further exploring educational technology shared services as a way forward for colleges and universities in Ontario. The Educational Technology Shared Services Survey project was awarded to a University of Ottawa team led by Aline Germain-Rutherford (AVP Teaching and Learning Support Services), and Richard Pinet (Director, Centre for Innovative Pedagogies and Digital Learning). U of Ottawa outlined a workplan which included project quality oversight, translation services, and access to U of Ottawa’s licensed survey tool (SurveyMonkey), with all communications planning, survey design, and data analysis to be undertaken by independent consultants Peter Wolf and Vivian Forssman.

Research Report

The survey, Awareness and Use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Ontario, was conducted by eCampusOntario in spring 2018. The purpose of the research was to learn more about resource elements of post-secondary teaching practice in Ontario, including: the types of resources educators use, the key decision-making criteria educators use when selecting resources, educator awareness about OER, and actual use of OER – including open textbooks. Findings from this research will help inform eCampusOntario programming and partnerships with member institutions as the potential of open practice is explored.

Other formats: MS Word (Ariel font)

Drivers and Barriers to Online Learning in Ontario

eCampusOntario engaged Ipsos to run a province-wide survey about Ontarians’ attitudes towards online learning. The results include data regarding familiarity, favourability, trust, and advocacy, characteristics that individuals consider when contemplating online education. Download to learn more.