Message from the CEO
By David Porter
CEO, eCampusOntario
On behalf of everyone at eCampusOntario, I wish for Ontario’s students a year of personal growth and professional skill-building to meet the demands and opportunities of today’s rapidly changing world. It is, and should be, our primary goal to make your learning experience the best it can be. Our institutional members are committed to your success, as we are committed to theirs.
Here is a little more information about what we are working on, and hope to achieve, in the fall of 2019 and beyond.
Our mandate is to promote flexible learning to meet the needs of different learners, locations, and ways of learning. We do this, in part, through developing adaptable professional learning and support resources for educators and students. This year, we focus on building adaptive training for in-demand technical skills.
We also provide shared access to cutting-edge technology that will lower institutional purchasing costs and reduce duplication in services. This fall, we will bring province-wide availability of transcription and captioning, AR/VR, and open LMS technologies that will provide our members with greater choice and customization for their local contexts.
Finally, we are expanding hands-on, experiential learning for workforce skill-building. This includes a system-wide micro-certification platform that enables credential pathway-building for employment. Our efforts will scale for the benefit of all Ontario institutions.
Our focus is educational technology, but our solutions are in people. We attract “big-picture” thinkers and future-looking change-makers of all stripes who are keen to make Ontario’s higher education a world-class system. And we must do it together.