OEX – Fast Track Application
Is this Fast Track request part of a larger Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) project?
Who are the end-users of your project? Select all that apply.
What is your estimated available budget for this project?
What service(s) or role(s) are you interested in connecting with?
ontario exchange logo

Hours Requested from Ontario Exchange.
Please outline each role required for the project, and identify if the role is to be performed by Institution staff (at the Institutions expense) or is an OEX support request (at eCampusOntario’s expense) If a project role is being performed by the institution but also requires OEX support, please separate out these project roles.
Keep in mind that the purpose of Ontario Exchange is to directly address capacity gaps by providing additional content development support in the form of qualified providers. It is expected that your institution will provide a substantial portion of the resources required to develop the content, with OEX providing the ‘missing piece’ of the team in the form of an instructional designer, multi-media developer or other key role that would otherwise delay the project. Please clearly indicate your institution’s contribution to the project (roles and estimated hours) when requesting OEX resources in the last section of the application.

Maximum file size: 516MB

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