Top 10 Most Frequently Adopted OER
With over 50,000 course sections already utilizing OER, eCampusOntario is excited to present the Open Library’s Top 10 most-adopted OER.
Read on to discover new experiences for your learners.

Top 10 Most Frequently Adopted OER

1. Essentials of Linguistics
Learner Savings: $2,031,097
This Open Educational Resource (OER) brings together Open Access content from around the web and enhances it with dynamic video lectures about the core areas of theoretical linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics), supplemented with discussion of psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic findings. Drawing on best practices for instructional design, Essentials of Linguistics is suitable for blended classes, traditional lecture classes, and for self-directed learning.
2. Fundamentals of Business, Canadian edition
Learner Savings: $787,305.67
An introductory textbook in business that covers a variety of topics: The Foundation of Business, Economics and Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business, Management and Leadership, and more.
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3. Introduction to Psychology, 1st Canadian edition
Learner Savings: $150,800
This book is designed to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. The focus on behaviour and empiricism has produced a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books. The beginning of each section includes learning objectives; throughout the body of each section are key terms in bold followed by their definitions in italics; key takeaways, and exercises and critical thinking activities end each section.
4. Child Growth and Development Canadian Edition
Learner Savings: $156,676.55
This text is a presentation of how and why children grow, develop, and learn. We will look at how we change physically over time from conception through middle childhood. We examine cognitive change, or how our ability to think and remember changes over the first few stages of life. And finally, we will look at how our emotions, psychological state, and social relationships change throughout childhood.
5. Indigenous Entrepreneurship : A community-driven approach to new venture creation
Learner Savings: $159,700
This project stems from a larger nation-wide call to develop and promote a culturally responsible and respectful curriculum that integrates Indigenous pedagogies and ways of knowing. This resource is designed to fulfill the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #63 to integrate Indigenous knowledge and teaching methods into classrooms and to build student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.
6. Professional Communications, Canadian edition
Learner Savings: $260,526.25
In the summer of 2018, Professor Wendy Ward bravely approached eCampusOntario to adapt an existing OER for use with her learners. The Pressbooks format provided a more beneficial platform for her teaching and learning environment. eCampusOntario collaborated with Wendy and Library staff, Bianca Parisi and Kent Reynolds over the summer to move the valuable learning and resources from Dingwall et al. original site into the Pressbooks format.
7. Project Management
Learner Savings: $168,980
People have been undertaking projects since the earliest days of organized human activity. The hunting parties of our prehistoric ancestors were projects. Large complex projects such as the pyramids and the Great Wall of China were also projects. Even something as simple as creating a dinner is considered a project. We use the term “project” frequently in our daily conversations. This book covers the basics of project management. This includes the process of initiation, planning, execution, control, and closeout that all projects share.
8. Building a Medical Terminology Foundation
Learner Savings: $371,670
Building a Medical Terminology Foundation is an OER that focuses on breaking down medical terms into their word parts, pronouncing medical terms, and learning the meaning of medical terms within the context of introductory anatomy and physiology. This resource is targeted for health office administration and health services students in the first year of their college programs.
8. Canadian History : Post Confederation
Learner Savings: $64389.80
The history of Canada is vast and encompasses both the written and oral traditions of many peoples. Our course will pick up the story of Canada from the time of Confederation (1867) to the present. We will not be able to focus on every aspect of this storied history, but we will address the key social, political, and economic facets that have been central to the Canadian experiment in nationhood.
10. Eukaryotic Cell Organelles Interactive Learning Resource
Learner Savings: $160,854
This Eukaryotic Cell Organelles resource will allow learners the opportunity to actively engage with the topic of Eukaryotic Cell Organelles by discovering three-dimensional cell organelles. Utilizing previous student work, learners will have an opportunity through static and interactive images, to discover and process the concepts of organelles, along with the function of the organelle. This resource provides visual cues that learners can look for when identifying organelles in eukaryotic cells.
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