eCampusOntario launches EdTech Sandbox
In June 2017, eCampusOntario announced an Expression of Interest inviting member institutions to participate in an EdTech Sandbox. The eCampusOntario Sandbox provides institutions with an opportunity to explore a new set of tools to support technology-enabled learning in a risk-free environment. eCampusOntario relies on the expertise of member institutions and their faculty and instructors to inform future decision-making around potential shared services that will benefit Ontario PSE.
eCampusOntario is pleased to announce the results of the EdTech Sandbox Expression of Interest with eight Ontario institutions being awarded a CanCred.ca (Open Badging) license, three institutions awarded a Riipen (Experiential Learning) license and 12 institutions awarded a Labster (Virtual Simulations) license.
Open Badging – CanCred
The eCampusOntario Open Badging Sandbox allows Institutions to explore how, through CanCred Factory and the new eCampusOntario Passport, open badges can be created and employed as recognitions of learning in order to support and extend technology-enabled teaching and learning, particularly in the areas of:
- Alternative recognition of learning
- Recognition of prior learning
- Informal co-curricular learning
- Skills and knowledge required for transition to work
CanCred Factory is a Canadian cloud-based open badge management platform for creating, issuing and managing meaningful digital credential systems.
Experiential Learning – Riipen
The eCampusOntario Experiential Learning Sandbox allows institutions to test drive Riipen’s support and extension of project-based experiential opportunities. Successful institutions have access to the following:
- An “Educator Module” with project management tools and real time dashboard tracking engagement levels
- An institution portal on Riipen’s web site as a central point of activity
- Riipen’s faculty success and customer success teams
- In-house specialists to re-frame in-class projects for the workplace
- Canada-housed data on the project for review and analysis by the institution
Riipen has had great success in traditional fields such as Business and IT and is growing in science, social sciences and healthcare. The Sandbox is an opportunity to test this functionality in many of these areas in order to meet the diverse needs of learners, educators and industry.
Virtual Simulations – Labster
The eCampusOntario Virtual Simulations Sandbox allows institutions to explore how Labster can support and extend technology-enhanced teaching and learning, particularly in the areas of:
- Simulation-based teaching
- Access and virtual versus physical learning spaces
- Experiential and experimental learning
- Occupational standards
Labster has been a leading provider of interactive learning experiences within life sciences through their scalable and accessible virtual simulations of laboratories, lab equipment and experiments.
The overall goal of these action-based pilot explorations is to generate a diverse collection of case studies based on hands-on experience in designing and using open badge systems, creating and integrating experiential learning opportunities and incorporating virtual simulations in face-to-face, blended or online courses.