The first edition of the Franco-Ontarian conference hosted by eCampusOntario will take place on February 2, 2024, at the Globe and Mail Centre in Toronto!
A FREE event with delicious meals included!
This year, eCampusOntario has worked hard to improve our services to better support the Franco-Ontarian community with digital teaching and learning resources and opportunities. In the context of this work, eCampusOntario recently launched the first franco-ontarian community of practice in order to encourage interinstitutional collaboration, to support professional development and to improve accessibility for our francophone and bilingual educators.
In February, our conference Citizenship 3.0: L’aventure technopedagogique en milieu franco-ontarien will explore our ever-evolving digital reality at the postsecondary level through discussing important aspects such as digital citizenship, emergent technologies, and open education.
In-Person Conference – February 2, 2024 9AM-6PM
(Globe and Mail Centre)
Friday, February 2, 2024
Globe and Mail Centre, Toronto
Citoyenneté 3.0: L’aventure technopédagogique en milieu franco-ontarien will feature hands-on workshops with plenty of opportunities to network and socialize with colleagues from all over Ontario. This year’s conference will be a FREE event with breakfast and lunch included and you will be taking home some awesome swag bags. Limited tickets for in-person attendance available.
In-person conference includes:

Interactive workshops and hands-on sessions on emerging technologies
Multiple workshops and sessions available to actively engage in your learning and to provide you first-hand experience with digital tools to bring into your classroom.

Live demonstrations
A presentation of the Metaverse in higher education, an OER creation lab and an international panel on how open education knowledge repositories are reshaping the eco-responsible practices of French teachers within the plural Francophonie.

Lunch social and Networking Reception
A catered lunch social and post-event reception will provide opportunities to reconnect with colleagues and make some new connections!
Keynote Speakers

Megan Cotnam-Kappel, PhD
Associate of the Dean and Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Citoyenneté et participation en ligne : enjeux et possibilités pour l’épanouissement numérique des communautés franco-ontariennes
As a Franco-Ontarian and active researcher in educational technologies, I have the privilege of inaugurating the Citizenship 3.0 symposium with a presentation focused on the challenges and opportunities of post-secondary education in French Ontario. This keynote address will delve into digital inequalities affecting Francophones in minority contexts while proposing strategies to energize our communities through education on digital literacy and citizenship. My talk will also cover key themes of the symposium, such as the impact of emerging technologies, including generative artificial intelligence, and the vital importance of open education in our current era. This conference will serve as a springboard to explore how to develop training and resources tailored to our linguistic and cultural realities, aiming not only for equity but also for the digital flourishing of our Franco-Ontarian communities.

Donald Ipperciel, PhD
Full Professor of Humanities, York University
L’émergence du chatbot 3.0 en salle de classe
In the wake of the tremendous growth experienced by generative AI over the past year, researchers have recently focused their efforts on designing domain-specific conversational agents (chatbots) for closed application areas, including the educational domain of university courses. In doing so, we’ve moved from the chatbot 2.0, a system based on extracting responses from a predefined database, to the chatbot 3.0, which generates consistently new, albeit related, responses based on a certain context. This transition to a new technology certainly has its advantages, but it also comes with its set of challenges.
While the chatbot 2.0 remains consistent in its responses but limited in the questions it can recognize, the chatbot 3.0 can eloquently discuss any given question, but at the cost of accuracy. Its ‘hallucinations’ have indeed become legendary. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the evolution of conversational AI, propose the optimal form it should take in the classroom, and take the opportunity to showcase the implementation of 2.0 and 3.0 chatbots in university classes at York University to illustrate the challenges and promises of these technologies in an educational context.

Hosni Zaouali
ConnectED Labs – CE & Founder Voilà Community Help – Founder
IA Générative et Métaverse : Impacts Concrets dans l’Enseignement Supérieur
Hosni Zaouali, an expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Metaverse, will share his expertise in a workshop dedicated to higher education. As a professor at Stanford University and an educational innovation consultant at the African Development Bank, Zaouali will delve into practical applications of generative AI and the Metaverse in the post-secondary educational context.
The workshop will focus on the practical implications of generative AI, exploring how it can personalize learning and provide new resources to educators. Zaouali will illustrate these concepts through case studies, highlighting tangible successes in enhancing the learning experience.
We will also address the Metaverse and its emerging role in creating collaborative virtual learning environments. Why integrate these technologies, and how can they realistically be added to existing educational programs? What are the challenges to consider? These questions will be thoroughly explored, providing educators with a clear perspective on the opportunities and implications of these technological advancements
Join us as we bring the Franco-Ontarian sector together to collaborate and develop the future of digital teaching and learning.
Citoyenneté 3.0 : L’aventure technopédagogique en milieu franco-ontarien is made possible with funding by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.