Announcing eCampusOntario’s 2021-24 Strategic Plan: Digital By Design
The Ontario postsecondary sector is sitting at the forefront of a digital revolution; one that took a giant leap forward due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We discovered that within adversity, there is opportunity, and these new opportunities were our focus as we developed this three-year Strategic Plan.
The pandemic also highlighted the remarkable collaboration that exists across the sector. No matter the challenges, postsecondary education continued, and we deeply understood how our collaboration was a competitive advantage.
What’s In the Strategic Plan?
Building on our existing programs, the plan focuses on three interconnected themes:
1) Enabling flexible lifelong learning;
2) Facilitating capacity and contribution; and
3) Supporting system-wide collaboration for future-focused global leadership.
Combined, these themes allow for the creation of an operational framework for developing platforms and services that will provide value across the entire sector. Read more here.
Central to the framework is how eCampusOntario can support our 50 members of Ontario’s colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes to collectively prepare for a future of learning that will support rich, equitable, inclusive and flexible digital educational experiences.
Co-Designing a Comprehensive Framework
We used a robust design methodology to craft and co-design our Strategic Plan in collaboration with our community. This process included a series of “sprints” (short, design-focused sessions), surveys, interviews and stakeholder consultations during the late summer and fall of 2020 to gather insights and determine priorities. We engaged with multiple stakeholder groups who contributed to our understanding and also undertook an environmental scan to understand key trends that are relevant to Ontario’s postsecondary education sector. We ensured alignment with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ Micro-credentials Strategy and Virtual Learning Strategy.
Our Commitment
eCampusOntario will provide the support, guidance and technical intuition needed to create and encourage innovation, collaboration, partnerships and engagement to advance digital learning in the postsecondary education sector in Ontario.
Our commitment to our members is to connect learners, campuses and partners for successful digital educational experiences. We will support the collaboration that is our competitive advantage and celebrate and share successful initiatives. We will realize these commitments through the lens of equity, decolonization, diversity and inclusion.
Get more information about how this Strategic Plan can support you by downloading the report.