Adaptive Learning in Common Learning Management Systems
Your institution’s learning management system (LMS) may give you some of the tools you need to implement adaptive learning in your course(s). Look for tools like release conditions for assignments or quizzes and learner analytics. Engage in the learning communities for your LMS to find tips and tricks to provide personalized learning experiences. If you need assistance, reach out to your teaching and learning centre or IT department. While eCampusOntario does not endorse one learning management system (LMS) over another, these common LMS incorporate adaptive learning capabilities:
Adaptive Learning Platforms and Tools
eCampusOntario does not endorse one adaptive learning platform over another and suggests that educators explore the range of different options available. Below are some links to get you started in your exploration:

AI driven platformoffering out of the boxadaptive learningsolutions that can beeasily integrated into avariety of contexts.Customized andcollaborative projects alsoavailable.
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Content system that letsinstructors and learnersupload content, chartindividual learning pathways,and maximize knowledgeacquisition through AI
Read moreWe encourage Adaptive Learning EdTech Vendors to contact us to discuss adding yourplatofrm link to our website.
Open Resources that can be used for Adaptive Learning
Adaptive Learning environments require significant content and learner engagement strategies that can be used to define individual learning paths through a course. The resources listed below are freely available through eCampusOntario to Ontario postsecondary educators:
Open Library
The eCampusOntarioOpen Library has openlylicensed educationalresources that can becustomized or adoptedfor your teaching andlearning needs.
H5P Studio
eCampusOntario H5PStudio allows educators todiscover, create, and shareover 40 types of interactivemodular content forformative assessment.
Pressbooks EDUaccounts are availableto educators to createor adapt opentextbooks or othertext-based openeducational resources.
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